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1. rules of conduct

The forum is subject to a set of rules which must be recognised and observed by all participants. In the spirit of a considerate and constructive discussion, the following rules of conduct apply in this forum

Maintaining respect
As a matter of principle, mutual respect for one another and an appropriate tone are to be maintained in the forum. Insults, threats, the use of swear words and statements with violence-glorifying, racist, fascist, sexist, pornographic or other criminally relevant content are not permitted and will be removed.

Maintain anonymity

You can register with a synonym (nickname), so you do not have to give your real name. Please do not use the names of other, real existing persons under any circumstances. Violation of this rule will result in exclusion from the forum.

Protecting personal data
Participants should not disclose any personal inform
ation in the forum (e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, etc.) or ask other participants to do so.

2. user instructions

Short, concise posts
Each post should be no longer than one screen (approx. 2,000 characters).

Adding a new topic
As a registered participant, you can add a new topic in the respective subforum.

Upload images
As a registered participant, you can also upload images to your contribution (e.g. photos, plans or other illustrations). Please use only the following image formats: .png, .gif, .jpg or .jpeg. The file size must not exceed 3 MB per image and the images must be smaller than 620×620 pixels.

Use links
You may place links (references) to other websites, external documents or publications in your contributions, provided that the rights of third parties are not violated.

Appropriate title
The title of a post should describe the content in a few words. In lengthy discussions, it may happen that the topic being debated differs from the original "title". If possible, the title should be adapted to the context.

Use quotations sparingly
When quoting, please keep it as short as possible, i.e. do not quote entire posts or postings.

No multiple postings
Please never post the same topic twice, not in different sub-forums and not even a few days apart.

Copyright - What is allowed?
The general copyright regulations must be observed. Works protected by copyright include newspaper articles, plans or photos. It is of course permitted to publish text and graphic elements to which you yourself hold copyright.

Check before submitting
Before publishing contributions, authors should carefully check whether they contain information that should not be made public. Authors must take into account that their contributions will be recorded in search engines and will be permanently accessible worldwide even without being specifically called up.

3. administrator rights

The forum is operated and administrated by quality-times.

According to the ruling of the Munich Regional Court of 25 October 2006 (Case No. 30 O 11973/05), the operator of a forum has virtual domiciliary rights on the basis of which the operator can exclude users from further participation and delete contributions, since the operator is exposed to "not inconsiderable liability risks" through the contributions of the participants.

The administrators of quality-times can edit posts or remove them from the forum and revoke users' access rights if the content is


  •     violate applicable law

  •     offends against good morals and grossly offends against the feelings of others

  •     contains racist or sexist statements,

  •     injures the honour of persons or groups of persons,

  •     are provocative or aggressive,

  •     lead to a disturbance of the discussion

  •     deliberately spread misinformation,

  •     contain advertising for commercial services

  •     propagate commercial and/or controversial strategies.

Claims for damages against the authors remain reserved.

As this forum cannot be permanently monitored, delays may occur.

4. liability

We do not assume any liability for copyright, topicality, correctness, completeness and professional quality of the information provided and the contributions written by the participants. Liability claims against the operator and the administrators, which refer to damages of material or idealistic kind, which were caused by the use of the presented information, are in principle impossible.

Each participant is responsible for ensuring that his or her contributions do not violate the law or the rights of third parties. This applies both to the directly visible part of the contribution and to the links or images contained in the contribution.

The administrators do not guarantee the identity of the authors, the accuracy, the completeness or the usability of any information. The posts express the opinions of the author, which do not necessarily reflect the views of the forum operators.

5. personal data

In connection with your access to the forum, data is stored on our servers for security purposes which may allow identification, for example your IP address, date, time and pages viewed. However, no personal data is used. We reserve the right to statistically evaluate anonymised data records. In the event of violations of the law, we will hand over the IP number of the author to the law enforcement authorities upon request.

6. Use of content from the forum

The use and publication of content from this forum is not permitted because the operator cannot decide on the use of participants' contributions beyond the forum. If you wish to recommend certain contributions from this forum for reading on your website, for example, you may of course place a link to the corresponding contribution on your website. It is forbidden to use this forum and the data accessible here for the purpose of advertising, spams, chain letters and the like.

7. rule changes and queries

The operator of the forum reserves the right to change the rules of participation at any time. If you have any queries, please contact the administrators (by e-mail or telephone).

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